Crystal ComputingCrystal ComputingAbove Ground SectionUnder Ground SectionOn-line Book StorePeter TimuskLegal WarningsE mail PeterCrystal Computing About Peter Timusk.

A photo of Peter

Picture of Peter Timusk

This photograph is of Peter, and the photograph was taken on the 10th of April, Good Friday, 1998. Click your mouse on the photo for his resume. He is presently employed as government clerk and also works part-time in web mastering for non-profits.
With living, Pete as some call him, now lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and is active in self-help, science studies, science education, theatre, security work, and music.  His love is Jennifer Arbour his good friend and common law wife. 
With computer culture, Peter has worked on a database at a University computer centre. And the database became available on the Internet.
In the 1980's he owned a Vic 20 with his brother and programmed games and early screen based computer programs such as a concert managment system and a morse code tutor.

He volunteers in the community serving in various service roles and also has a directorship for a local small health group.
He also volunteers and sometimes works in electoral politics keeping his government work separate from this partisan volunteering.

 He is studying for a Master's Degree in Systems Science at the University of Ottawa and has graduated with a Legal studies Bachelor of Arts degree and with a B.Math degree in statistics, Both of these undergraduate degrees are from Carleton University.
Also he studies FORTRAN and other advanced computing topics. Recently he has been learning Debian, R, Page Maker, Word Press, Drupal, and also Ajax coding. He is a member of the HTML Authors Guild and both works and volunteers as a web master for community groups and virtual communities

He is semi-official web master of the Newsgroup  This web site is now at

He also reads about computer crime and computer ethics.
Peter enjoys building his web site and would like to hear from you if you're reading any of this web site. 

This table may help you find more information about Peter.

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Internet learning Peter's Poetry

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Some Graphics ©1999 The Outer Rim.

This Page last updated July 7th, 2007.